Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dessert Américain: Cupcakes!

They sure aren't French, but still a delightful sweet I enjoy. Thought I'd do a little research on these wonderful treats and found some interesting factoids:

* originated during the 19th century when it was faster to bake in hearth ovens than full-sized cakes
* named because it is a cake the size of a teacup; and because it was measured by cups in a time when things were measured by weight
* aka "fairy cakes" (British)
* called 1234 or quarter cakes because they are made up of four ingredients in equal ratios: butter, sugar, eggs, and flour

I baked a batch the other weekend celebrating my one-year anniversary of moving to the Bay!

Yellow Confetti Mix/Chocolate Ganache Frosting/Rainbow Sprinkles

I'll make them from scratch next time... in the new flat! :)

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