A time to reflect and to people watch. I particularly enjoyed being seated next to, on the other side of the window, a man in his late 30s, dressed business casual, drinking coffee, with an iPhone bulging out of his Dockers pocket.. flipping through THREE comic books! It was surely endearing. Men will always be boys at heart.. made me smile. :)
Dehydrated, I ordered a Raspberry Italian Soda and an Almond Cream Tart. The Italian soda quenched my thirst! The tart was a bit crispy, a little dry... definitely could've used more "cream." Powdered sugar on top added a nice aesthetic touch, but otherwise nothing surprising.
Why are you not on yelp yet?? And when you are on yelp, will you be my friend? And, furthermore, will you will reviewing Chou Chou and the Frenchman with all his "bises"?
BTW I love your new profile image. It looks delish!
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